Un artículo publicado en PHYSORG.COM que da cuenta de la teoría por la cual el nuestro sería uno de dos universos incrustados en el espacio de once dimensiones de la teoría de cuerdas, de forma tal que pasan cada uno a través del otro (avanzando una de las dimensiones más altas) periódicamente. Cada vez que interactúan, enormes energías son liberadas y ambos universos se llenan con plasma caliente – un nuevo Big Bang. No hay Big Crunch, ya que ambos universos están constantemente expandiéndose.
A Cosmic Coincidence Resurrects the Cyclical Universe from PhysOrg.com
Over the past five years or so, scientists have finally converged on a model of the universe that explains (or at least permits) all of its characteristics. The new cosmological model has one very surprising feature, however, which is supported by several robust and unrelated observations. In addition to matter and radiation, it seems that the vacuum of space is filled with a mysterious ‘dark energy’ that pushes the universe apart. While the dark energy helps us explain a great many things, it also resurrects an old problem once thought buried—the idea that our universe is the product of a highly unlikely cosmic coincidence.
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